The WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Extension Version 3.3.1, Released on 2025-01-26
Purchase the WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Extension at a discount without needing a coupon code, just click Add to cart and follow the on-screen instructions to get an instant download link.
The WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing Extension is available under the GPLV3 License. If you need support, please consider purchasing it directly from
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Chris Lema –
if you want a special group of folks to get a different price, all you need to do is put them into a role and then configure WooCommerce to change the price of different products based on the role. It’s seriously that easy.
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Guillermo –
The Dynamic Pricing Plugin is Cool
Anyways, our client price per chick varies with the “sex” type of the chick and the amount that is ordered. Its cheaper to order more. There is this really cool plugin from Woothemes called Dynamic Pricing Plugin that we are utilizing to create and manage all of the different pricing variations, or “pricing rules”.
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