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BackupBuddy Version

03 January

The good folks at iThemes have released a new version of BackupBuddy: BackupBuddy and it’s available on Sozot for just $25. Existing customers, you can download instantly from your account area.

The Changelog for this version update includes the following: - 2016-12-29 - Dustin Bolton
	Fix return by reference error when returning false. - Glenn Ansley
	Fixed cleanup of deployment tables. - Glenn Ansley
	Stash Live & Stash v3 now auto-bust cache on next file if token is reported expired. - Dustin Bolton - 2016-12-30 - Dustin Bolton
	Disabled WP transient cleanup -- possible issue effecting Stash transient storage. - 2016-12-30 - Dustin Bolton
	Deployment: No longer migrating wp-config.php during Deployment as this file is not transferred in the process and should be skipped migrating.
No coupon needed and better than nulled! Get BackupBuddy for just $25.
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