The Show Off Theme Version 1.2.5, Released on 2015-09-03, the latest and greatest content-focused theme by WooThemes.
The Show Off Theme makes it easy to show off your content with WordPress. A highly customizable theme, Show Off is an excellent starting point for just about any project. You can use the built in WooFramework theme options module to customize the style, layout and typography using the built in WooFramework theme options module, or choose a more advanced child theme method to dig into the code directly.
Theme designers and newbies alike will find Show Off easy and fun to use. With built in support for WooCommerce, you can quickly and effectively sell products online.

Responsive Design with Layout Controls
The Resort Theme is responsive! This means it uses CSS media queries to respond appropriately for different screen sizes. It looks as great in mobile browsers as in large cinema displays!

Complete Control Over Style and Typography + Google Fonts
With a point and click interface you can control everything from the menu heights, colors, gradients to the typography used throughout the site. Support for Google Fonts means you have access to the incredible growing list of awesome fonts available for free!

Complete Support for WooCommerce
Built by the same folks that support WooCommerce, the Memorable Theme is about as native as you can get with e-commerce functionality. Just install WooCommerce and you’re ready to start selling.
To view all the features of the Show Off Theme, visit the official WooThemes Show Off Page.
I’m always impressed with the quality of themes produced by WooThemes and I really like the clean and crisp look of Show Off. I highly recommend it for anyone starting out with WordPress. It’s a great tool if you’re just starting out because it shows just how flexible WordPress can be, whether you’re building a business site with e-commerce functionality. I’ve used WooThemes themes with excellent results.
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