The WPML team has released a new version of WPML Multilingual CMS, and several other WPML Add-Ons: WPML Multilingual CMS 2.9 and the whole bundle is available on Sozot for just $25. Existing customers, you can download instantly from your account area. Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn
Archive by Author
Gravity Forms 1.7.6
The rocketgenius team has released a new version of Gravity Forms: Gravity Forms 1.7.6 and it’s available on Sozot for just $25, plus $10 for all Basic and Developer Add-Ons. Existing customers, you can download instantly from your account area. Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn
Add Twitter Bootstrap Icons to Widget Titles in WordPress
Best option I’ve found is via a shortcode. Open your functions.php in your favorite text editor and first enable shortcodes for widget titles: add_filter(‘widget_title’, ‘do_shortcode’); Then, add your shortcode with the icon: add_shortcode(‘iconthlist’, ‘sozot_iconthlist’); function sozot_iconthlist() { return ‘<i class=”icon-th-list”></i>’; } Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn
Plugin & Theme Updates, 07-01-2013
Hi folks, Just a heads up, I’ve updated a number of themes and plugins this week. You may want to check whether you’re due for an update. Here’s a list of what’s changed: WooCommerce Product Add-ons Version 2.0.9, Released on 2013-06-28 WooCommerce Subscriptions Version 1.3.5, Released on 2013-06-24 WooCommerce Catalog Visibility Options Version 2.2.7, Released […]
Set up a service dashboard using
Note: Unfortunately, looks like this service is no longer available. In a recent client project I was asked to set up a status dashboard that the client’s customers could access to track service outages. It would have been easy enough to implement this as a simple page in WordPress but I figured I’d do a […]
Gravity Forms 1.7.5
The rocketgenius team has released a new version of Gravity Forms: Gravity Forms 1.7.5 and it’s available on Sozot for just $25, plus $10 for all Add-Ons. Existing customers, you can download instantly from your account area. Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn
Gravity Forms 1.7.3
The rocketgenius team has released a new version of Gravity Forms: Gravity Forms 1.7.3 and it’s available on Sozot for just $25, plus $10 for all Add-Ons. Existing customers, you can download instantly from your account area. Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn
WPML – WordPress Multilingual CMS Version 2.8.1
The WPML team has released a new version of WPML Multilingual CMS, String Translation & Translation Management: WPML Multilingual CMS 2.8.1 and the whole bundle is available on Sozot for just $10. Existing customers, you can download instantly from your account area. Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn
BackupBuddy Version
The iThemes team has released a new version of BackupBuddy: BackupBuddy and it’s available on Sozot for just $10. Existing customers, you can download instantly from your account area. Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn
Remove Inline CSS from Query Multiple Taxonomies
Add to functions.php: / Don’t show the inline css for wp-query-multiple-taxonomies remove_action(‘wp_head’, array(‘QMT_Hooks’, ‘wp_head’)); Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn